I love studying at BYU, it is so much different - more diverse and interesting - than studying in my country. Now I now where are the buildings that I need pretty well. The most surprising for me probably is the work load of homework - but I like it. It is also one of the things that I am struggling right now - I barely finish my homework and assignments right before the classes start. As the semester progresses I will try to manage my time better so I would be ahead of my readings and homework rather than behind. And I also plan to make an exercise plan for myself so I could keep myself in shape. But I know this is going to be one of the greatest experiences of my life!
Post #3--After my first week of classes
Well, after my first week of classes, I'm feeling pretty good. A little overwhelmed with classes, but I'm learning how to balance my time between classes and organize my day so I can study more effectively. The biggest challenge I think I will face now, is keeping that schedule. Being able to keep up with the workload. For the rest of the semester, I'm pretty sure that I just need to keep going. Put school first. There are a lot of things that a new student needs to get used to, and it may take a while, probably more than one semester, but it's worth it.
Post #3--After my first week of classes
Wow it is already my second week in BYU. I have to admit that college life is really exciting and fun. Meeting different people in different classes. I am surprised by how attentive and diligent everyone is. It helped to create a really good learning environment.
My biggest challenge so far is to remember where my classes are, and how to get there. I always carry a little note with me so that I will know where the next stop is. Hopefully it will get better as time goes on.
In order to be successful, I need to plan ahead. I am grateful for the classes that have their syllabus and calendar on blackboard (still waiting for some classes), so that I can put the important dates down in my calendar. On the other hand, I also need to make new friends to make my college life wonderful.
Post #3--After my first week of classes
What has surprised you?
What has been the biggest challenge so far?
Post #3: After My First Week of Classes
My first week at BYU has been a great experience! I love the teachers, all my classes, and the level of learning we are required to achieve.
The most surprising thing has been how fast I am getting to know the campus. The first couple days of classes were so intimidating, and I always had to stop and ask for directions. I wondered if I would ever learn where all my classes were....but here I am in my second week of classes, not having to get my schedule out between every class!
My biggest challenge so far has been being able to find the right classes to add or drop. There was a class that I wanted to drop and, because there are so many teachers and classes, it took a while for me to organize my schedule and get to be familiar with each of my courses' outlines and syllabuses.
In order to be successful, I am going to read all of the assigned reading. I need to read each chapter before the class that will cover that chapter. I plan on getting involved so that I don't get homesick also. This will help me stay focused of school. I'm going to be responsible and study when I need to be studying.
I am REALLY excited for this semester and future semesters here at BYU!
Post #3 After First Week of Classes
Post #3 After My First Week of Classes
What has surprised you?
How little work I actually have to do. I thought that I would get out of my first class with tons of homework but I didn’t. I know I’ll get more homework as the semester goes on, but I guess I just assumed that I would start out with a lot.
What has been the biggest challenge so far?
Getting used to the fact that I’m finally a BYU student. Its been a little weird actually really going to classes and digesting the fact that I no longer have to pretend I belong on campus.
What are you planning on doing for the rest of the semester in order to be successful?
Keep a schedule so I know when to turn assignments in. Be friendly and make lots of friends. Keep a positive attitude. Audition for everything I can. Get decent hours of sleep… I’m sure I’ll think of more later (Of course, actually doing all these things is different from actually doing them so I’m going to have to try extra hard).